Cohen Bros show True Grit

I liked True Grit. I wasn’t cool enough to have seen the original movie or read the book. Who am I kidding? I didn’t even know it was a remake until it came out. As far as Westerns go, this one was surprisingly funny. Then again, that’s probably because it’s a Coen brothers flick (obligatory Coen brothers reference so I appear hip.) That’s probably also why they made fun of the little girl and called her ugly twice! Let’s see, what else? The older brother from Goonies a.k.a. Mr. Sterling – Josh Brolin – plays the villain. Matt Damon plays Matt Damon. Jeff Bridges plays a version of “the Dude.” Some guy from Gilmore Girls was in it. (Thank MA ;). Fargo, O Brother Where art Thou.., No Country…yada yada. Enjoy the trailer.